As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, it comes as no surprise that some people are a little bit worried about robots taking over the world.
While a robot might not be knocking on your door anytime soon, you have to admit that they're advancing pretty quickly…just look at these tiny bots dancing. Pretty freaky, right?! Knowing that the majority of people out there aren't ready to come face to face with an A.I. creation, brilliant YouTube prankster "Magic of Rahat" decided to use this idea for one of his classic drive-thru prank videos.
Rahat is the same guy who brought us the amazing "homeless man wins the lottery" videos, so you know he's not looking for anything more than a few laughs. In the video, Rahat sits in the driver's seat, with a fake seat cover on top of him and a robot sitting on top of that. If you pulled up next to his car, you'd never know that there was a man hiding underneath this robot!
After ordering a sandwich at various restaurants, Rahat pulls his car up to the drive-thru windows and needless to say, the fast food workers are a little spooked. I have to admit, I'd be seriously freaked out if I saw a robot driving a car, too!
How would you react?! Please SHARE if this ridiculous video gave you a good laugh today.