Beautiful Drone Footage Catches Humpback Whales In Their Natural Habitat

Humpback whales are some of the most majestic and mysterious creatures in the known world.

They spend the majority of their time deep under water, and though relatively social compared to some of their more elusive aquatic peers, like the mysterious, cartoonish Dumbo octopus, they can be tricky to spot for humans.

While whale do apparently have an excellent sense of comedic timing, as demonstrated by this hilarious blue whale, they don’t call on us land-lubbers that frequently. In fact, it’s far more likely that they’ll make you come to them.

That’s why we are so lucky to live in an era of incredibly image-capturing technology. Just 10 years ago, our best footage of whales was usually captured by luck, coincidence, or laborious months of tracking and research.

These days, with the advent of light unmanned aircraft like drones, and the invention of sturdy, near-impregnable cameras like the GoPro, it’s a whole lot easier to track down these spectacular aquatic mammals in their natural habitat.

The best things about these technologies? The whales don’t even know that they’re being watched, so they won’t alter their behavior in response to the presence of people. We can research these mysterious animals, without altering or harming the way they live their lives!

Check out this incredible drone-shot video that some divers took when they happened upon nearby whales, isn’t this astounding? If you were mesmerized by this beautiful video, please don’t forget to SHARE on Facebook with everyone who’s as fascinated by the deep blue as we are!