Fishermen Rescue A Struggling Deer Six Miles Off The Shore

When some fishermen were out fishing on Long Island Sound recently, they encountered something that completely threw them off guard.

When Rob Kurdy was out fishing with some pals, he got a real story for the books, and it has nothing to do with fish or sharks. In fact, it has nothing to do with aquatic life at all.

While they were a ways out on the water, they spotted something bobbing about in the small waves. Once they decided to investigate and got a little closer, they realized that it was a deer struggling to stay afloat. Who knows exactly how he ended up so far out in the water — maybe it was a rip tide, or maybe he went in for a dip and started swimming the wrong way. But either way, he ended up in a really tight spot.

I don't know about you, but I would be terrified if I saw a deer so far out. I simply wouldn't know what to do! As Kurdy says, that's a life out there that needs to be saved. In that moment, he was the only one who could save him.

And thank goodness he was there.

Please SHARE this incredible fisherman's tale with all the animal lovers you know!