There are some truly talented people out there who can transform food into looking like normal objects. It takes a lot of work and practice to get to this height of talent, but it is possible.
Caters Clips YouTube channel shared a video of cakes that have been made to look like everyday objects. If you didn’t have a knife to cut into these, you wouldn’t even know they were actual cakes.
The first cake shown looks like a log! The back of it even looks lightly charred like it was in a fire pit at some point. Cutting into it, though, you see a delicious-looking chocolate cake.
The second cake shown is a huge strawberry. This one is a little less realistic-looking just because it’s a massive strawberry, but that doesn’t stop it from looking mouthwatering.
The third cake is my favorite of all of them. Giving it a first glance, you would truly think it was a bag of Doritos. Every detail of a normal Doritos bag is decorated on the cake, and it even looks like a full bag of chips. I love Doritos so much, I think I would be a little sad if my bag of Doritos turned out to be a cake, but the sadness wouldn’t last long, because I got a cake!
The fourth cake is even more sneaky. You could easily pick this cake up and think it was a cup of coffee and attempt to drink it, it looks that real! The creators even made a saucer for the cup and put a little stirring spoon on the side. Don’t be fooled — the spoon isn’t real, either.
The fifth cake should be a favorite for all the seltzer lovers out there. If you grabbed this seltzer, though, you would have a handful of cake. This White Claw can cake even has 5% alcohol written on the front of it. The detail of the logo is extremely accurate. The cake is even mango flavored, one of the best White Claw flavors. The cake makers obviously knew what they were doing here.
To have your mind blown with amazing cake art, click the video!