Police Officer Rushes To The Scene To Save An Exhausted Baby Fawn

What would you do if you saw a poor, helpless creature in the middle of the road?

A lot of people would panic and not know what to do in this tricky situation. But when a woman named Rebecca Wagner stumbled upon a little baby deer one day, she handled the situation perfectly.

Folks are saying that while this baby and her mama were crossing the big road, the little one got cold feet and stayed behind. That's when she decided to simply lie down on the asphalt and take a rest.

This may not have been the best decision on the little one's part. But, luckily, she had some guardian angels on this day, much like those fishermen who saved a helpless deer. When Wagner spotted her, she took the time to direct traffic around the baby, and keep an eye on it while she waited for a police officer to respond to her call.

Once officer Matthew Mitchell arrived, he gingerly approached the fawn, who looked pretty close to death.

But once he lifted her up? It's clear everything's going to be OK. The officer called an expert and made sure that the baby was placed in a safe spot where the mother would surely see her and they would reunite.

What a lucky little creature! This could have ended much differently is someone else had seen the baby on the road instead.

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