8 Surprising Things You Never Knew About Cremation

For those saying their final goodbye to loved ones, cremation has become almost as popular a choice as traditional burial services.

Of course, the process isn't really anything new. It dates all the way back to ancient eras. Despite being around for so long, though, how much do you really know about cremation?

You might have heard of folks finding ways to transform their loved ones' remains in unique ways, but there's so much more to cremation than the dust it creates.

Most of us who have experience with the passing of a friend or family member are too distracted by our grief to really grasp all that's going on. Plus, it's not really something we tend to think about, outside such tragic situations, as we go about our daily lives.

Take a look below to learn more about the cremation process and some of the surprising facts about scattering the remains.

And don't forget to SHARE all the info with your friends on Facebook!

1. It Takes A Lot Of Heat

Pixabay / les_fendaillous

Cremation Resource explains that the process requires heat to be blazing at 1,400 to 1,800°F to properly break down the remains of the deceased.

2. It's Usually The Cheapest Option

Wikimedia Commons / Kerry

A report from NBC News claims the process can save mourners one-third (or more) of the cost for a traditional burial process.

3. The Urns Aren't Filled With Ashes

Wikimedia Commons / Laurentius

Perhaps the most common misconception is that loved ones are given literal ashes of the deceased.

However, as Cremation Solutions explains, it's actually the remains of their bones that have been ground into a fine, ash-like powder by a machine.

4. They Can't Process Multiple Bodies At Once

YouTube / TIME

The machines they use are only able to fit one body at a time, so you don't have to worry about them mixing someone else up with your loved one during the heating process.

5. There Can Still Be A Funeral

Wikimedia Commons / Heavensowns

Just like traditional services, the funeral varies from family to family, but National Cremation explains that it's totally normal to have both cremation and a service.

6. You Can Mail The Remains

U.S. Postal Service, Offutt Air Force Base
U.S. Air Force / Charles Haymond

You just have to make sure you go through the U.S. Postal Service rather than a retail shipping store, and be prepared to fill out the proper forms, according to reports from TIME.

7. You Should Check With Authorities Before Scattering At A Beach

Funeral Cremation Interment Lake Summer Finnish
Max Pixel

Laws on saying a final goodbye to your loved one at the beach or out at sea vary from state to state, so it's important to make sure you abide by the rules beforehand. The last thing you want during the emotional moment is for authorities to stop you in the act.

You also need a permit for scattering at National Parks.

8. Lots Of People Try To Sneak Remains Around Disneyland

YouTube / LiveFastDiePoor

Known at the park as "wildcat scatterers," plenty of mourners have attempted to spread their loved one's remains among the rides.

According to TIME, the Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean attractions are the most popular areas to find folks making these attempts.

Did you know all of these facts about cremation?

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