It's easy to forget that art can come in many different forms. It's not just using paint on a canvas, or carving sculptures from marble. Many artists nowadays use nature to create beautiful works of art, not just as a medium, but as an inspiration.
Father-and-son duo Doug and Brook Pederson are both artists in their own right, but by day they run a tree-trimming service. And it's the wood they cut down that they use to create stunning images and carvings. Together, they practice the rare and ancient art of "scrimshaw," though in different ways.
Brook likes to use loud power tools to create his art, whereas his father, Doug, prefers to sit for hours and work on every detail by hand. Their very different ways of work yield very different images, but it's Doug's version that is the most eye-catching. The sheer amount of detail in his wildlife scene is astounding, but it's also what he uses as a backdrop that's stunning: in the past, he's used ostrich eggs, for example, but most currently he has been working on a mastodon tusk that is thousands of years old!
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