Fireman Rescues A Kitten From The Brink Of Death In A Burning Home

Here at LittleThings, we have a great appreciation for heroes.

Whether they serve in the military, protect their local hometown, or are just everyday people doing extraordinary things (just like this grandmother who helps feed children), we believe they deserve all the recognition they can get!

However, there is one specific type of hero that always stands out from the rest. If you think most people would go above and beyond to save the life of an animal in need, sadly, you are wrong. It takes a very special person to put their own lives at risk to help one of God's smaller creatures.

The following video went viral after it was posted by GoPro cameras back in 2013, but it's been making the internet rounds again and I'm so happy to be reminded about this amazing hero! With a GoPro camera attached to his helmet, we see Fresno, CA firefighter Cory Kalanick step into a smoke-filled home, where he can't see a thing without shining a light. The firefighters think everyone is out of the house, when Kalanick makes an incredible discovery…a tiny, newborn kitten is lying lifeless on the floor.

What happens next had me in tears. He's a true hero and an inspiration for all animal lovers!

Please SHARE this video if it put a smile on your face today!