If Your Phone Has A Flashlight App, You Need To See This Shocking Report

In the age of the internet, it feels like nothing is safe anymore…

I don't know about you, but I haven't felt the same way ever since I saw this video about how easy it is for strangers to hack into your baby monitors, web cams and laptop computers. It's terrifying to think that there is truly no such thing as privacy anymore, especially when you're in your own home.

When it comes to my smartphone, I like to think I'm pretty secure, especially after a recent debacle where hackers stole my credit card information from shopping over the internet. (Learn how to protect yourself here.) However, you really can never be too safe and unfortunately it's tough to be certain on what apps you can trust too.

In the following clip from Fox News' Special Report with Bret Baier, the host sits down with cybersecurity expert Gary Miliefsky of security solutions website SnoopWall.com. After digging up some dirt, they found out that many of the top downloadable flashlight apps for Android, iPhone and other smart phones are actually spying on the owners and stealing information.

It's important to know that the flashlight already on your phone is not guilty of this, but you should probably play it safe and delete any downloaded flashlight apps. I know I will be ASAP!

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