Do you like to fly? Some people really enjoy getting on a plane and cruising high up in the sky.
Others think of it as a truly stressful experience. All of the crying babies, tipsy passengers, and turbulence make flying a total nightmare for some folks.
But take a moment to imagine all that flight attendants must actually have to endure. They fly all the time and get a wider scope of the terrible (and sometimes crazy) passengers who travel on long flights.
These 11 flight attendant horror stories will give you a newfound respect for the men and women who take care of you while you're flying.
Do you know any flight attendants? Or have you witnessed a crazy interaction with a flight attendant yourself? Let us know in the comments.
And please SHARE these insane tales with your family and friends who fly on Facebook.
Thumbnail sources: Flickr 1, 2, 3

"Parked my cart, asked a guy what he wanted to drink. He started to answer, then held up a finger, puked into a plastic grocery bag, and then went on to ask me for a ginger ale. I was speechless." – transatlantique

"Halfway through the flight near the back of the plane, the overhead bin started raining maggots on the passengers in one row — just pouring through… A passenger had flown in from Africa and was traveling to the US via Europe, and had a whole dead fish filled with maggots wrapped inside a newspaper (apparently it's considered a delicacy in some parts of the world)." — little_mermarx

"I was on a flight with only four people (other then the crew,) so I pulled out a deck of cards and invited the flight attendants to join… They started to tell me stories. One said a guy tried to lick her every time she reached across to hand food/drinks to the guy in the window seat." — Reddit user

"Saw someone petting a squirrel that they snuck into the flight in a carry on." — jbOOgi3

"Most memorable passenger was on a one and a 1.5 hour evening flight. Visibly inebriated, he sang "The Star Spangled Banner," "God Bless America," and a couple of verses from "Yankee Doodle" for a while (30 minutes or so) before passing out until landing." – hunter15991

"On a flight coming home from Vegas, this drunk man sits down in a random seat, so once the actual people who are assigned to that seat come along, this drunk guy starts snapping his fingers at me. I ask to see his boarding pass and he hands me a grocery store receipt…" — greenoliv

"My mom was a Pan Am flight attendant for many years… She had Marlon Brando on her plane. She said he told dirty jokes the whole time and, after each time, he would slap his knee really hard and guffaw." – Jeremy_Reed

"Some guy says, 'Excuse me, could you ask the pilot to turn off the left engine so my son can get some sleep?'" – DCMook

"An elderly man suddenly got up, put on his jacket and sixpence, pulled his carry-on from the overhead and proceeded to try to open the door to get off. When he was told to leave the door alone, he lost it and had to be overpowered. That wasn't very hard, as he was a frail old man, but nobody could convince him that it's a really bad idea to open the door when you're at cruising altitude." – Hovmod

"Having to evacuate the plane because of a fire and screaming at people because they were too concerned with trying to film things than get to safety when a fire was burning next to a fuel truck." – transatlantique

"A couple is having an argument…
'I am literally whispering right now' (Heard from 10 rows forward and back)
'Look what you've done. Everybody is looking at us, and you're making a scene.'
'Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to remain quiet or I will escort you off this plane.'
'We're over the Pacific Ocean.'
'Yep.'" — SirCharlesOfUSA
What's the worst thing you've experienced on a flight? Let us know in the comments and please SHARE with family and friends!
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.