We have all seen a few homes that are in need of transformation.
But most of the time, we're talking about homes that just need the plumbing updated or that decades-old shag carpeting replaced.
The average home, even if it has seen better days, is usually just waiting for the right person to come along and put in a little elbow grease to restore it to its former glory.
However, in the case of one once-beautiful home, the space inside was in such a bad state that it needed a lot more than new appliances and a paint job.
That's because the house was home to a "hoarder" for many years, and reached a point where it was packed wall to wall in garbage.
Fortunately, the brave soul who took on the task knows a diamond-in-the-rough when he sees it, and he knew he was just the guy to make it shine again!
Scroll through below to see the incredible transformation progress.

Recently, photos circulated on Reddit, showcasing the incredible progress one house flipper made when he decided to purchase a hoarder's home and totally transform it.
We would have struggled to see the potential under the heaps of garbage, but he somehow managed to see the beautiful home under the layers of debris.
For instance, here is the living room when the flipper first took on the project. He writes, "[the resident] liked pizza and then couldn't be bothered with getting up so he just threw it behind him."

Every room in the house was piled high with junk, garbage, and worse.
Apparently, the previous resident also had a dog, but instead of taking the dog out to use the bathroom, he let the animal poop and pee in the house.
He then simply shoveled any waste down into the basement, alongside plenty of other trash.

Despite the high bar set by the basement, the house flipper explains that the kitchen was "by far the worst part."
"The smells haunt me," he writes. "Seriously the amount of maggots and flies was scary."
Here, you can see the kitchen, with piles of food heaped against the walls.

Here's the kitchen after the garbage was all cleared out — a huge improvement!
It wasn't easy to get rid of so much garbage; he had to use large industrial trash cans and coal shovels to remove the bulk of it.
As he shoveled out the garbage, he actually found a few treasures, including diamonds, buried in the filth.
Even after all the actual waste was gone, the floors and fixtures were filthy and badly damaged.

Here's the living room, the same space we looked at in the very first image above.
If it weren't for the fireplace, we wouldn't recognize it as the same home.
Unfortunately, there was a lot of work to do here, too; the hardwood floors are badly stained with urine, which caused considerable damage to the wood.

Along the way, he made one disgusting discovery after another.
The past resident was a chain smoker, so the walls were left covered in gray smoke stains.
When he opened up the vents, he found that they were clogged with a putrid mixture of dog hair, soot, and smoke from cigarettes.

But this intrepid gentleman clearly isn't one to balk at a tough project.
After clearing out the junk and scrubbing the house from top to bottom, he began the labor-intensive process of renovating.
Here, he's sanding the floors to smooth out the damage left behind by the previous resident.

He pulled up the tiles in the bathroom and relaid the whole space.
In the end, he redid the flooring in clean white honeycomb tile, and totally changed the layout of the plumbing.
The shower was redone in subway tiled and completely overhauled.

In the living room, he managed to miraculously buff out the damage to the hardwood and finish the wood in a rich dark brown.
He gave the walls a sophisticated paint job, and managed to reveal the gorgeous bones of the room.
That spectacular picture window and the original fireplace were barely visible before. Now they can really shine!

As for the kitchen, once called "the worst part," it's now a gorgeous modern space filled with every convenience.
He replaced the cabinets and put in new appliances from top to bottom. He put in new flooring and laid shining granite countertops.
It's a pretty incredible transformation, don't you think? Now we just want to know when we can move in!
If you're as impressed as we are by the dramatic transformation of a truly scary space, make sure to SHARE with DIY buffs everywhere!
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.