11 Insane Things Folks Should Never Have Flushed Down The Toilet

Clogging the toilet by mistake is no walk in the park. Even if it's an easy plunging fix, it's still not fun.

It can even get incredibly embarrassing if it happens at someone else's house. What if the plunger doesn't work? What if it overflows? The tension in these crucial moments could be cut with a knife. Man, oh man.

You'd think that we would learn from these moments not to test the integrity of the toilet. You would think that we would have learned to treat the toilet with respect, and to not test its tempers.

Yet, we push those buttons every single day — or rather, we pull on those flush levers.

These 11 times people flushed something that absolutely did not belong in the toilet should be taken as a lesson: Don't flush objects down the toilet! All of these folks (or their parents) regretted these decisions in the end.

Have you ever flushed something down the toilet that wasn't supposed to be there?

Please SHARE this silly list with your family and friends on Facebook!

[H/T: Reddit 1, 2, 3, 4]

Thumbnail sources: Flickr 1, 2

1. Food

Flickr / I Believe I Can Fry

"My mom's friend's [terrible] cooking. I stuffed it down my mouth to look like I liked it, then went to the bathroom casually and just spat it out.

"Then…. It wouldn't flush. She then shouted that the toilet didn't work sometimes and I panicked. The food was just floating there and I didn't know what to do." – Mage221

2. A Toothbrush

User comments
Anette and the Universe

"My 2-year-old flushed her older sister's Justin Bieber singing toothbrush down my parent's toilet. When it was finally pulled out, my dad was roaring with laughter. As far as he was concerned, that toothbrush ended up exactly where it belonged." – RavenGlitterSquee

3. Chemicals

Test tubes and other recipients in chemistry lab
Flickr / Horia Varlan

"In high school, some football players stole a bunch of elemental calcium from the chemistry lab. After a few bouts of putting it in the sink and watching it make hydrogen and heat up to boil water into steam, someone allegedly flushed a whole bunch down the toilet and everyone ran out of the locker room. A minute later, the football coach walks in and pulls a fire alarm thinking the place was on fire. When the fire department showed up, there was no smoke in the bathroom… For the rest of the year, the coach had an axe to grind trying to figure out how he got fooled and who was behind it." – DumbCDA

4. A Lightbulb

Flickr / Paul B.

"Someone I knew tried to flush a lightbulb down a toilet when he was like 10. He was throwing a ball around inside the house and broke it, and figured somehow this was the best way to get rid of the evidence." – CGI_Fridays

5. An Action Figure

Flickr / Steve Baker

"I have three boys and a few years ago, our downstairs toilet wouldn't flush properly for a couple of weeks, so my dad explained to me how to pull the toilet off its base to see if a toy had been flushed down. When I pulled it up, jammed into the opening was a plastic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle." – Reddit User

6. A Toy Train

Flickr / Lou Bueno

"When my cousin was 4 years old, he flushed his Thomas the Tank Engine toy down the toilet. 'Bye-bye, choo-choo,' he said as he had broken the toilet." – pinkfloyds

7. Money

Flickr / Spensatron 5000

"$100. I was 6, I saw a $100 bill and wanted to touch it. My aunt burst in the house while it was in my hands. I got scared they were gonna think I was trying to steal it, so I rushed to the bathroom and flushed it. They never noticed it was missing." – mexicanninja23

8. The Flusher

Flickr / Jesus Rodriguez

"My housemate has recently flushed the flusher button. Part of it came off, fell in the toilet and before he realized it, it was too late." – Epicdemic93

9. A Lottery Ticket

Flickr / Daniel X. O'Neil

"Lottery ticket. A winning one worth $50,000. I kid you not!" – Stratpat

10. A Phone

Flickr / Steve Jurvetson

"Went to the restroom at a party, my phone was in my back pocket when I went in, and missing when I came out. People were complaining all night that the toilet was clogged." – picklejuicebox

11. Jewelry

Flickr / Erik Ogan

"My grandmother's ring. I proceeded to call my boyfriend at the time crying hysterically and then got extremely drunk. Actually one of the worst things to happen to me." – noisynora

Have you ever regretted flushing something down the toilet? Please SHARE with family and friends on Facebook!

These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.