Julia Washington and her husband decided to adopt three brothers, Michael, Jess, and Camden. Their family instantly went from two to five children.
This would mean a big adjustment period for the family, especially since one of their adoptive sons had cerebral palsy.
While Julia was processing the adoption, she received a call from the boys' social worker: the three brothers she was adopting had a 17-month-old brother, Elijah, who was also in the system. Julia knew the family could not take on another child.
But she also knew that if she didn't adopt him, Elijah would be 1,000 miles away from his brothers.
That's when Jay Houston, Julia's friend and neighbor, heard the news. Jay is the youngest of seven kids, she is adopted herself, and she has four adopted children along with two birth children.
There was no question about what to do next. Jay went through the state Child Protective Services to adopt Elijah. The 17-month-old may not be raised in the same household as his brothers, but you bet they are going to grow up together!
"They all know they're brothers and get to grow up together," Jay told ABC. "They don't live in same house but live in the same town… Knowing I get to be his mom forever, it's an awesome gift and I'm really thankful for it."
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