A Groom And His Mom Make Their Wedding Dance Into Fun For Everyone!

There's something very brave about being able to dance while dozens, even hundred of people watch you. That's the case at weddings nowadays, when the guests don't just watch the newlyweds move their feet. The bride also dances with her father, and the groom with his mom! That's a lot of dancing to take in for the guests, so why not try to make the dances a little more unexpected and exciting?

That's perhaps what this young groom and his enthusiastic mother had in mind when they came up with their amazing wedding reception dance. They didn't just make it fun for them, but fun for everyone in attendance!

The dance starts off slow, like many of the ones that we've seen so far (this mom and her son started the same way, and kept us watching when they pulled off some cool steps that made us want to move our feet, too). But mom has a wide smile on her face. Hint: It's not just because she's happy! She knows what's in store for the guests, and is just itching to show off!

Now watch the video to see what she was able to do at her son's wedding…

Please SHARE if seeing this groom and his mom have a ton of fun made you smile!