Would you ever get a vanity license plate?
Some people like to get vanity plates to let everyone know what they love the most, while some like to get them with a version of their name. Others, still, like to use custom plates to prove to everyone else on the road how clever and funny they are.
These vanity license plates are all prime examples of vehicle owners breaking out their best jokes in 6-or-so-digit form. It's like being funny on Twitter, except you only get one shot for a joke, and only a handful of characters instead of 140.
But it's possible that many more people will see your vanity plates, depending on how many people follow you on social media!
Have you ever seen any funny license plates like the ones below? Some of them can get pretty low brow, but we tried to keep them nice and PG here.
Please SHARE these funny license plates with your family and friends on Facebook!
Just in case of a zombie apocalypse.

Forrest Gump fans will like this one.

This'll confuse the cops if you ever get pulled over.

Seeing as this is a drain cleaning truck, this plate is just being honest.

This is not how I imagined cars becoming self-aware.

Well with that kind of car, of course you don't have kids!

Would you ever get a vanity plate? Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook!