In the right hands, there's really no limit as to how beautiful a cake can be. Thanks to both age-old baking secrets and modern inventions, cakes can be works of art all on their own.
And the best part? Not only are they beautiful, they're delicious! Of course, when you see a cake as beautiful and lovingly crafted as this cheerful cake shaped just like a rose, you might hesitate before digging in.
And then there's this cake. Created by baker Rachel Teufel for Intricate Icing Cake Design, and featured at a company launch party, this completely edible cake is breathtaking.
Rachel used rock candy to create an incredibly realistic amethyst geode in the side of an otherwise plain white layer cake.
And while the whole thing can be eaten, amethyst crystals and all, the cake is so gorgeous and so amazingly crafted that you almost want to preserve it forever!
Of course, thanks to photography, we can actually have our cake and eat it, too.
[H/T: My Modern Met]

The cake was unveiled at a launch party for an events planning company. The plain but chic white layer cake is designed to look split-open, revealing the amethyst gem inside.

The amethyst is made from granulated sugar crystals dyed purple and layered to create a realistic effect. It's that humble sugar treat you may know as rock candy, but done in a super-fancy way!

The cake has sparked instant amazement across the Internet, with people from all over gushing praise over Rachel's skill.
Oh, and the gold and silver leaves are edible, too!

Seen from the side, you can see just how deep the geode goes into the cake, just like a real geode in a rock.
Be sure to watch the video below to see it glitter in the light!
It's pretty amazing that something as simple as rock candy can turn into something so beautiful. Consider adding it to your next confection for extra sparkle!
Be sure to SHARE this amazing cake with your baker friends for inspiration!