11 Surprising Things That Only Get Better With Age

As I inch closer and closer to my 30th birthday, I'm beginning to accept that — despite my fears of getting older — I have really only become a better version of myself over the years.

It's something we all have to confront as the clock keeps ticking, and while some folks prefer to flat out deny the number of years they've spent on the planet, it's always better to simply accept it. After going through the process myself, I started wondering what other things in life get better the more they've been around, and I was honestly surprised by how often patience really pays off.

Sure, I knew about wine already, but I didn't know specifically what made it become so much more complex and flavorful. Scroll down to see even more amazing items that improve over time!

Did we miss your favorite things that get better with age? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to SHARE with your loved ones.

Thumbnail Source: Pinterest 1, 2

1. Whisky

Flickr/ sayot

To be considered a whisky, the liquor must be aged for at least three years in most countries, but is often left for even longer. Whisky that has been aged for over a decade can have unbelievably rich flavor.

2. Cheddar Cheese

Cheese Party
Flickr/ Chris Waits

And gruyere, manchego, gouda, parmigiano-reggiano…

3. Jeans

Flickr/ liz west

We've all experienced that feeling of putting on your favorite pair of jeans after giving them a wash and feeling restricted — that is, until you finally break them back in again with multiple wears.

4. Cast Iron Skillets

Flickr / cbertel

Maybe your grandmother passed her recipes down to you — and, if you're lucky, she included her scrumptiously time-seasoned skillet as well!

5. Beef

Flickr/ Jun Seita

Whereas pork and chicken would go horribly bad if not consumed in a timely manner, dry-aged beef's enzymes break down fibers to make it even more tender.

6. Balsamic Vinegar

Flickr / Valerie Hinojosa

Similar to wine, the fermentation of the vinegar becomes stronger over time, with companies often waiting to bottle it for at least 12 years.

7. Fine Leather

Flickr/ Guy Sie

Whether it's your wallet or your sofa, it will become softer and smoother with each passing year.

8. Pickles

Flickr/ Christine

You should still abide by each jar's expiration date, but most last for at least a year — soaking up more nutrients and vitamins, even becoming more of a probiotic and helping with digestion.

9. Flannel Sheets

Flickr/ W. Robert Howell

The scratchy fabric only gets softer every time you toss it in the wash, until it's the perfect texture.

10. Wine

Flickr/ Jeff Kubina

This mostly applies to reds, where their tannins, sugar, and natural acidity combine over the years, giving it a more rich flavor and creamier texture.

11. Seedlings

Joseph Gruenthal/ Unsplash

They may start off small, but seedlings can grow to incredible heights — perhaps a metaphor for the potential within us all!

Did we miss your favorite thing that just gets better the longer you have it? Let us know and be sure to SHARE with your friends!