Giant Bumblebee Nursed Back To Health High-Fives Human Rescuer

You’ve probably heard about it on the news, but bees desperately need our help — because we need theirs! Did you know that one-third of everything we eat is dependent upon their species? It’s true! But with these little guys (and girls, of course) dying out by the thousands, it’s up to us to foster an environment in which they can thrive again.

That’s where Dolph C. Volker comes in. He’s an animal advocate with a Zoology degree who works very hard to raise awareness about what his furry friends all over the world are currently facing. And today? He has a very special treat for all of us, and his bumblebee guest in particular!

If you remember the woman who gave a dying bee back rubs and Mountain Dew, you’re definitely going to enjoy this video. When Volker comes upon a similarly distressed bee trapped inside his house, he knows just want to grab: A little bit of honey and some free time. After drinking, the bumblebee even offered a tiny high-five. So polite!

And if all of that cuteness inspires you to help bees in your own backyard? I have just the thing to get you started! By planting a few common herbs and flowers, you’ll quickly become the bee-all and end-all wildlife rescuer on your block. Cool, right?

Sometimes, all it takes is a little helping hand — or fuzzy leg, in this case.

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