This Goat In A Christmas Sweater Thinks The Tree Is A Yummy Snack…

If you have a pet in your house at Christmas, you know that you have to keep an extra watchful eye on them during this festive season. You never know when your pup is going to steal the cookies off the counter, or when your cat is going to knock over the whole nutcracker display you put up on your mantel.

Then there is, of course, the tree. Full of all those beautifully delicate glass ornaments and sentimental ceramic snowmen, it's basically a land mine just waiting to be exploded by your precious pet. Even if your furbaby doesn't take the whole tree down, you're bound to lose an ornament or two to some curiosity each year.

But what happens when you keep a goat in the house? Well, first, you give him a festive Christmas sweater to keep him nice and cozy during the cold winter days. Then you have to take into account that goats consider just about anything fair game for snack time. So you don't just have to watch out for your Christmas cookies being gobbled up… you've got to keep an eye on that nutcracker collection, all the ornaments on the tree, and even the tree itself!

When this festive little goat sets his sights on a delicious-looking evergreen donned with tinsel and shiny ornaments, he goes all in. To be honest… this tree had it coming!

If this silly guy made you laugh, please SHARE with your friends and family!