It's finally starting to feel like summer, and that means it's time to pack your beach bags! And did you know there are actually significant health benefits of going to the beach?
There is nothing quite like a sunny day at on the water to lift your spirits and to make you appreciate Mother Nature and all of her wonders.
Of course, the beach is full of many lurking dangers, but it is also a place you can go to give your body and mind a much-needed pick-me-up, too.
As it turns out, a day at the beach can be more than just fun in the sun. The beach holds a lot of secret health benefits that you may have never known about.
In fact, going to the beach might be just as refreshing for your body as it is for your mind! The salt, sand, and sun add up to provide some truly impressive boosts for your bod.
Scroll through below to learn about going to the beach can transform your health.
Thumbnail Photo: Flickr / Anke Muller // Wikimedia Commons
Beach Benefit #1: Cleanses Your Skin

You may have noticed that your exfoliant at home is extremely similar in texture to sand. By the transitive property, sand too can act as an exfoliant. All the better — it's natural!
According to Kids Health, the average human sheds around 40,000 skin cells a day. Instead of letting your skin dry out, gently rub yourself with some sand to expose soft, fresh skin.
Beach Benefit #2: Heals Your Wounds

As you may know, salt water acts as a natural disinfectant. It can be used interchangeably with antiseptic.
In fact, the Toronto Sun reports that a professor from the University of Alberta found that a disinfectant wipe and a wipe soaked in salt water performed just as well as the other.
Beach Benefit #3: Soothing Sounds

Just thinking of the sound of crashing ocean waves makes me sleepy.
Pennsylvania State professor of biobehavioral health tells LiveScience that water sounds help us relax because our brain associates it with a non-threatening environment.
Beach Benefit #4: Sand Makes You Svelte

You have probably noticed that walking on the beach is slightly more challenging than walking on a more flat and stable surface.
According to LiveStrong, the more challenging a surface, the more energy your body burns, and the more calories. This is why walking or running on the beach is an even better workout than doing so on concrete.
Beach Benefit #5: Magical Minerals

According to the US National Library of Medicine, bath salts from the Dead Sea proved to be an effective treatment for the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
Similarly, all ocean minerals are helpful for reducing inflammation and joint pain.
Beach Benefit #6: Soak Up The Sun

As you may know, the sun is a major source of vitamin D. According to the Mayo Clinic, this vitamin is essential for helping you to maintain the proper levels of calcium and phosphorus in your blood.
It can help keep down your blood pressure, assures strong bones, and can even reduce the risk of cancer — that is if you remember to lather on the sunscreen, which is an absolute must.
Beach Benefit #7: Fountain Of Youth

There are plenty of sea water-infused collagen-enhancing face masks on the market.
Instead of buying a face mask, why not just go straight to the source? The minerals in seawater can help restore elasticity and keep your skin healthy and youthful.
Beach Benefit #8: Sunny Disposition

This might go without saying, but being at the beach, and presumably in a good mood can enhance your health and well-being just as much as any chemicals or treatments might.
Next time you need a boost, head to the beach and feel your spirits being lifted from the moment the salty smell hits your nostrils!
Remember to SHARE these benefits with your beach buddies on Facebook!