It appears those darn grizzlies have struck again.
You may remember those sneaky bears stirring up some media attention recently for any number of sassy behaviors. Most recently, one playful grizzly practiced his barrel roll and astounded onlookers at Denali National Park in Alaska. Another made the day of a young girl (and terrified her parents) after it got a little too close to their car at Yellowstone.
In the video below, a grizzly milling about an Alaskan shoreline stumbles upon the GoPro setup of naturalist Brad Josephs. Set up to capture the behavior of animals, one evidently took notice and decided he wasn't so fond of being recorded.
Walking straight up to Josephs' camera, the grizzly angrily paws the sand in front of it before swatting the thing and laying it out completely. The camera goes black, and the next thing we see is Josephs retrieving the camera with the bears some distance away in the background.
Definitely don't try this at home, kids.
Please SHARE this wild but funny bear moment with your friends on Facebook! (And also, possibly stay away from bears in general.)