Every wedding dance is as unique as the people who are performing it. And they can be as creative and imaginative as you want them to be! Weddings are the perfect time to show friends and family your smooth moves, and they may be impressed by this whole new side of you. After all, it's the impression you want to leave: these dances live on in the memories of the attendees — and on tape!
We're familiar with couples switching it up for their first dance as a married couple, like this pair who attempted the famously difficult Dirty Dancing jump. But what about grooms and their moms? We're sure they have something amazing in store for us!
Sure enough, this mother-son duo was able to keep us captivated by their moves — and their very interesting music choice! They start off by slow-dancing, like any normal wedding dance. But the music stops, and shockingly, the groom, Ben, and his mom start arguing in front of their guests!
It's apparent that the argument isn't real, although they are very convincing. The groom wants his mom to join him in a dance that's just a little different than the norm…
Now watch the clip to see this duo's epic routine, and the awesome music they set it to!
Please SHARE if this groom and his mom wowed you!