Mystery Man Stands Up To Bad Parking Jobs With This Hilarious Note

I am pretty sure none of us can say with great conviction that we park our cars perfectly 100 percent of the time.

And even if you can, there remain those out there who need to be reminded more than a few times to keep their parking in check.

We've heard of pretty amazing instances in the past, where good Samaritans have left the most heartwarming notes on people's cars — like this tired mom who finds out someone paid her parking ticket for her.

Other heroes, however, work to catch the bad drivers. Below, you'll read about a mystery vigilante who goes around posting a special note on the windshield wipers of drivers who absolutely don't know how to park.

The message on the note might read quite passive aggressively, but it's ridiculously funny nevertheless!

Scroll further to see where the hero stuck this hilarious note, and let us know what you think in the comments below.

When this person spotted a sporty car straddling two different parking spots, he knew he had to do something about it. So he decided to reach for his glove compartment and pull out a special little sign, which he slipped beneath the car's wipers...

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It reads: "Many three year olds have trouble staying within the lines. Maybe if you practice coloring this turtle, it will help with your parking."


He keeps the humorous but pointed signs on hand just in case he ever comes across a sloppy or inconsiderate parking job.

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Once, as a joke, he even placed a note on a racer's windshield. Obviously, this was all in good fun, as the professional driver parked very well.


And now, this anonymous parking stickler has uploaded a printable version of his custom note — in case you, too, ever need to leave a message for a sloppy parker!

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Would you ever leave a sign like this on someone's car? Let us know in the comments below!

Please SHARE if you hate bad parking jobs as much as this guy does!