Halloween is not only the spookiest time of year, it's also a potential pranking battleground!
It's not all candy corn and cookies, ya know?
The fine art of trick-or-treating is serious business for a lot of people, with an emphasis on the tricks.
Every year, make sure you're on the watch for these hilarious and classic tricks while on the hunt for your candy treats.
Be wary of anything that invites you to touch it or get closer to it, especially if it looks suspicious and a little too eager to get to know you. Case in point: a giant snowman just sitting in the middle of the sidewalk.
For a full-length prank video, scroll to the bottom of the page and enjoy.
Pleas SHARE these incredibly funny Halloween pranks with all of your friends this year!
1. This man nearly gave his wife a heart attack by putting a printed photo of his face in a jar filled with green water. Husband preserves, anyone?

2. As if you needed a reminder that you never know who's behind that seemingly friendly mask...

3. Always heed warnings, especially where giant spiders are concerned!

4. Can I give you a hand with that milk?

5. They don't call it TRICK-or-treating for nothing!

6. This crazy prank ended up backfiring, thanks to the magic of reflexes!
7. You don't always need a mask to scare the pants off of someone.

8. Never trust a snowman. Ever.

9. That kid sure has been waiting a long time...

10. Beware the stranger on the bench beside you...

11. No one expects a demon in the water!

12. One of these things is not like the other...

13. At least he's on a leash?


15. Mind where you sit...

16. Now this is just cruel! Not even apples are safe...

17. This man's co-workers left him a little surprise office guest...

18. "Try the dip, it's delicious!"