Health Myth Debunks: Dinner Before Bed vs. Empty Stomach

Even though New Year's resolutions have all but gone by the wayside, I still try to watch my figure. Whether that’s incorporating foods that will help my body burn more fat or just cooking more meals at home as opposed to eating out, I’ve been trying to make small lifestyle tweaks that  over the long haul  will give me healthy results.

What I struggle with is when I don’t actually know which decision is the healthier one! I’m not talking chocolate cake versus banana (don’t we all wish the chocolate cake were healthier?), but questions more like, is it better to go to bed hungry, or eat food late at night?

I was actually pretty surprised when I found out the answer to that age-old diet question. I had always assumed that eating right before bed is a big diet no-no, but apparently going to bed hungry is worse for you. Apparently, no matter what time you eat food, the calories have the same effect, and going to bed hungry can actually slow down your metabolism.

Now, this doesn’t mean it’s OK to scarf down a bowl of pasta right before turning in. Even though calories have the same effect regardless of time of day, eating too much right before bed can cause heartburn, indigestion, and bad dreams. If you are hungry at night, then, the best option is to have a sensible snack (200 to 300 calories), such as a nutrition bar, an apple with peanut butter, or some almonds. That might even help you sleep better, according to this video.

Please SHARE because I’m definitely not the only one who wasn’t sure about late-night eating!