What would you do? That's a question I keep asking myself after watching this.
Josh Paler Lin is sparking a debate on social media with his latest controversial video. You may remember the time he gave a homeless man $100 and followed him to see how he spent it, or this prank that showed how far someone would go for cash. Well, he is at it again.
In his most recent social experiment, he dresses as a homeless man and tries to get a meal at a fancy restaurant. In a very Pretty Woman-esque fashion, he is denied service based on his appearance, despite his admission that he has money. An hour later, he shows up at that same restaurant in a black Ferrari, dressed and polished. He is promptly greeted by the valet, and the maître d' is happy to oblige his request to look at the menu. When he tells them that he is the same guy they just turned away an hour earlier, he admonishes them for the way they treat people, saying it makes him sick.
What do you think? Did the establishment have every right to turn him away? Or do you think that everyone should be free to eat regardless of how they look?
Please SHARE with your friends on Facebook and see what they would do!
Source: Social experiment: Homeless vs rich prank by JoshPalerLin on Rumble