If you're alive today, you probably know someone who claims to be "gluten free." For some people, this alternative diet is necessary; they have Celiac disease or difficulty processing gluten, and eating it even in small amounts causes extreme discomfort and cause serious medical problems. However, there are many more people that have jumped on the gluten-free bandwagon under the presumption that everyone would be better off without gluten in their life. And it's kind of obnoxious.
Thankfully for those who desperately want to feel like special snowflakes, but have no actual autoimmune disorder to justify it, JP Sears has blessed us with this instructional video on how to become gluten intolerant. Maybe my relationship with carbs is out of control, but I don't think I have the discipline to follow his instruction plan. Don't get me wrong— these bread-free sandwiches do look super delicious, but I don't think I could eat them every day. And a lifestyle that doesn't involve these delicious Mountain Dew dumplings is not one that I want to be a part of.
This video is obviously a joke, and you really shouldn't try any of JP's tips unless you really want to get punched in the face. But seriously, unless you have a legitimate medical condition that makes eating gluten a living nightmare, you should probably just enjoy that pizza just the way it came.
If you got a big chuckle out of JP's video, SHARE it with your friends on Facebook!