The first Howard Johnson's opened up in 1925 .Founded by Howard D. Johnson, the restaurant chain was once the biggest in the country with a thousand locations opened in 1970s.
But by 1990, most had shut down. Most people today have never even heard of the joint. But John LaRock is determined to keep the memory alive.
He spent more than $200,00 to re-open the last HoJo's in America. He started at HoJo's 30 years ago as a dishwasher, now he owns the place.
"It's something I never thought I would do in a million years. But here we are and we're doin' it. And I'm glad," he says.
The entire look and feel of the restaurant has been preserved. "These are the old tables," said LaRock. "They don't make 'em like this anymore."
Now people come in from all over the country to grab a slice of the old-school nostalgia. It's a little nooks like this that can remind us of the good ole times of yesteryear.
"I think, maybe once I'm gone, Howard Johnson's itself may be gone," says LaRock. But until then we'll cherish the small gift of nostalgia he's given us.
See John LaRock's story below and please SHARE if you remember HoJo's!