Every now and then, you may run into the kind of parent who's a little more relaxed when it comes to letting their child try alcohol. One mom decided to give it a go when her 16-year-old daughter asked to try some wine. The mother, thinking a little wine couldn't possibly be harmful, poured a little in a glass to let her daughter try it.
But when the father came downstairs and saw his daughter drinking, he completely flipped out and became pretty upset with his wife. Now the woman has taken to Reddit to figure out if she's in the wrong.
The woman gave some background.
The woman is 46 years old. She says she was enjoying a glass of wine while watching a movie with her 16-year-old daughter when her daughter asked if she could try some.
She lets her daughter try some wine.
"Normally, I'm strict with my children when it comes to alcoholic beverages, but I didn't think a little wine would hurt, so I poured her a glass. I told her that this would be a once-in-a-blue-moon exception."
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Her husband walks in.
The woman's husband walks into the living room and sees his daughter drinking some wine. "My husband (M48), on the other hand, was not okay with this. When he came into the living room and saw her with the wine in her hand, he lost his mind."
The man shouted at his wife.
"He started shouting at me, asking why the [expletive] I let her drink alcohol underaged, and said she could easily become addicted to it. I immediately felt bad and apologized, but my husband is still [expletive] with me over this."
She wonders if she was wrong.
The woman went on to say she doesn't think her husband trusts her any more. She then asks if she was in the wrong for letting her daughter try some wine.
Other users weighed in on the matter.
Reddit users shared their opinions on the issue. Some of them didn't think the mom was in the wrong, while others believed she was.
Some think she wasn't wrong.
"NTA This is the perfect way to introduce your daughter to alcohol— it’s a safe, controlled environment with people (her parent) she trusts most in the world," one user wrote, then going into an entire explanation to back their opinion. "You want her to learn healthy habits and drinking in moderation with you right next to her removes a lot of the appeal of alcohol. You’re taking away any lingering mystique or stigma. If it’s not forbidden or an 'adult thing' she’s not allowed near/trusted with then it [loses] a lot of the appeal."
Some believe she was wrong.
"I'm going against the grain here but YTA," another user commented. "Not because you introduced her to wine, plenty of us would say that this is exactly the healthiest way to teach older kids to have a responsible relationship with alcohol before they leave home and are on their own. But she is underage and you have a coparent who this should have been discussed with. I think to deny them any input on a decision like serving alcohol to your minor child for the first time was a mistake worth apologizing for."
The woman responds to some comments, giving more insight.
The woman ended up replying to some comments, sharing that her husband has a "tragic past with alcohol" when at 7 years old, his father overdosed on Christmas Eve.
In the end, many people didn't believe the woman was wrong for letting her daughter try some wine, but was wrong for not talking with her husband before making that decision.
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.