There are too many quintessential clips from I Love Lucy to count. Believe me, I've tried! Lucille Ball crafted a one-of-a-kind comedy persona that just can't be topped. Whether she was getting herself into trouble with a strange new job, trying to get herself on stage with Ricky, or finding herself face-to-face with one of her favorite celebrities, each episode is more priceless than the next.
For this moment in the show's second season, however, the cast takes a break from their hilarious antics for some heartwarming news. However, there was just one problem: the network's board of standards wouldn't exactly let them say the word to describe Lucy's condition. It's silly to think of now, but at that time, they simply wouldn't allow her to say "pregnant" on air! To get around it, the writers used terms like "expecting" and "blessed event" to announce the beloved character's upcoming arrival.
By this point, Ball was already five months along with her and husband Desi Arnaz's second child. As Ricky on TV, he discovers the happy news when Lucy makes her way down to his club for a special song request. Sending a note to the bandleader, she explains that she hasn't found the right time to tell her husband about the baby and would like to use his performance of "We're Having a Baby" to do so.
Ricky is more than happy to oblige the anonymous note, but wants to congratulate the couple himself. Watch for the moment he realizes he's the one who's going to be the daddy!
And don't forget to SHARE the adorable clip with your friends!