I once said that if I were ever on a TV show like Survivor, and I was only allowed to bring a single personal item, it would be mascara. (For all those close-ups of me concocting conniving plans, of course.) But seriously, I'm addicted to the stuff.
My lashes are OK, lengthwise, but they're very fair and fine, like my hair. I don’t like leaving the house without mascara. That said, applying mascara every morning is time-consuming, and it gets tiring. But there is no way I have the patience — or the skills — to apply a strip of false eyelashes to my lids. I’d likely end up gluing my eyes shut. If I did get them on, I can imagine the lashes detaching at a cocktail party and falling into my mojito. I wouldn’t notice because my eyesight isn’t great, and I’d think they were muddled mint or something. At the least, I'd end up looking ratchet AF, which is not the look I'm going for on a daily basis.
That’s where the idea of getting professional lash extensions came in. There are not many services out there for which you walk in, pay around $100 (depending on where you live, prices can go as high as $300), and walk out looking significantly improved on the spot. Even better, the painless procedure is supposed to last for weeks. Blowouts are short-lived, creams take a while to take effect — but lashes, glorious lashes! From what I've seen, when done correctly, lash extensions are a miracle product. I wondered, could I too look that good, like Kim Kardashian good (minus the hours of contouring), by getting my own lash extensions? It was worth a try.

OK, so inside the package, lash extensions definitely look… odd. But people swear by them, so I was willing to give them a try. Please note the faux mink. No small furry animals were harmed in the writing of this story.
Pre-Lash Extensions

For reference, here's a photo of my natural lashes, pre-extensions. Lengthwise, not bad! However, they're rather sparse.
Full disclosure: I was nervous, and I made my mom go get them first! She is more of an “I’ll try anything once” kinda gal. When I saw how good hers looked, I booked the next available appointment.

I wasn't prepared for how long it would take. Depending on where you go, you might end up lying still, eyes closed, for more than an hour. You can relax, nap, or chat with your lash stylist. I chose to listen to my podcasts. The technician placed stickers under my eyes, then carefully glued one fake lash to each of my natural lashes, one by one. As you can imagine, it's a painstaking business. My technician used more than 100 fake lashes!
My eyes watered a bit, which my technician said was normal. Also normal: the intensive post-application rules. You can’t get your lashes wet for 24 hours. This includes both showering and crying, so I advise that you wait a couple days to watch the movie Wonder. (Pro tip.) Plus, you have to go back every three to four weeks for touch-ups, which typically cost around $60 to $70.
So is it worth it?

I'd say so!
The cool thing about lash extensions is that they're totally customizable. I went for volume — and a more natural look. I could have opted for a more glamorous Beyoncé look. Pro tip: If you're getting lash extensions for a special event, like a wedding, definitely let your technician know — the tech will help you choose the right set of lashes to get the look you're dreaming of.
The one thing I had to get used to right away was that you aren't supposed to rub your eyes. It turns out, you don't know how much you rub your eyes until you can’t rub them anymore!
This could be a deal breaker for people with allergies. I was a bit worried because haters have said that extensions can make your real lashes fall out, but so far, so good. I’d also heard that it’s a hassle — some ladies don’t want to spend the time on maintenance.

But I like to think of it this way: If, every morning, I spend 10 minutes putting on eyeliner, curling my lashes, and applying mascara, and, every night, I spend five minutes taking it all off, that’s over 100 minutes a week!
You do the math. I'm saving time.
A girl I know who's been doing lash extensions for years put it like this: “People think lash extensions are for girly girls who are high maintenance and wear a lot of makeup, but they’re really for the lazy girls,” she says. Check! I am a lazy girl.

And, OK, I have been an addict of Too Faced mascara for a long time, but honestly, it does flake and smear a bit. Since I got these extensions in the summer, I kept in mind that I was going to be in the water quite a bit — and it turns out that eyelash extensions are a lifesaver if you don't fancy that raccoon look when you sweat or go underwater. Exhibit A: The above picture is how I look coming out of the pool with natural lashes and mascara, pre-extensions.
And the best part of all?

You look gorgeous rolling out of bed. After I got my extensions, I found that I could get out of the shower and moisturize, and, after my lashes have dried a bit, I can simply separate them with a little brush. And… I’m done. I don't even need any makeup. I repeat: I do not need makeup.

Bonus: If you're like me, you do that thing where you make a wish and blow whenever you lose a stray lash. Well, I now like to imagine that I get tons more wishes.

And the perks have just kept coming! I’m not tugging around my eye area putting on makeup, and I've found that it makes me look less wrinkly. I am mermaiding my summer away with no worries. You know those girls who look amazing working out? Like, you think, that chick really put on eye makeup to come to the gym? I am now one of them. Or at least, I look like one of them. Yep, lash extensions have changed my life. BRB, I’m off to bat these babies at somebody.