In Japan, you can buy beer from a vending machine. You can visit an island swarming with wild deer that hang out on the sidewalks like they own the place, and an island where you can get smothered by fluffy bunny rabbits — maybe even on the same day.
Yes, Japan is indeed a magical place that I would very much like to visit soon.
Its Miyagi Prefecture also houses the Zao Fox Village, a sanctuary that hosts over 100 free-roaming foxes that visitors can feed and interact with up close.
Opened in 1990, Zao Fox Village features six different types of foxes, including the Japanese red fox and the platinum fox. For a small fee, you can meet some real Japanese foxes yourself.
One visitor described the trip to the Fox Village as very pleasant, noting that guests are encouraged to throw the food for the foxes instead of hand-feeding them, as there's no telling what exactly they might do. You can also pet the foxes and take photos with them while enjoying the scenic Miyagi Zao mountains as a backdrop. Someone please book me a ticket ASAP!
This may look like an ordinary forest from far away, but when you get closer...

...it's absolutely chock full of foxes!

Did I mention that you can feed them and pet them?

Zao Fox Village features plenty of room for the foxes to romp around, as well as houses and structures for them to explore.

Foxes are prevalent throughout Japanese folklore and oral history, often depicted as intelligent creatures with magical powers and great wisdom.

Some Japanese myths say that a fox has the ability to "shape-shift" into human form, using their disguises to steal money!

Some foxes will scamper up to you with curiosity, and others will be shy and run away!

When they're hungry, a fox will yip, squeak, or bark for some treats!

Though some of the little guys are too scared of humans, they'll still get fed every single day by the staff.

Once they're done eating, the sleepy little guys love to take long naps!

There are twelve different kinds of species of "true foxes" in the world — all of them equally beautiful!

Though sometimes they'll get grumpy with each other, they're very social and loving animals. I love them, too!