The Audience Starts Laughing At This Guest. Now Watch How The Host Reacts…

Domestic abuse is no laughing matter, so why would anyone think what happens in this next video is OK?

When it comes to this sensitive subject, a lot of people have trouble speaking out when they're being physically or verbally abused at home. Whether it's fear of retaliation, insecurities about being alone, not wanting someone you care about to get arrested, or another reason, people in abusive relationships stay quiet more often than not.

As you can see in this video, making the call or looking to someone you trust for help is not all that simple, but it's a move that could save a person's life. That's why being in a place where you can talk about your experience with domestic violence is beyond brave and should always be applauded.

The thing is, people often discredit men when they come forward about domestic violence or verbal abuse and unfortunately, what happens in this next video is the perfect proof.

Popular British radio and TV host Jeremy Kyle, recently featured a Jerry Springer-esque segment on his show when a boyfriend confronted his ex-girlfriend about cheating and identifying the father of her baby. However, it quickly turned into a domestic violence conversation when the man, Geoff, spoke of how his ex, Danni, would abuse him.

Instead of gasping and booing like the audience would if it was a woman making this painful revelation, they laughed at Geoff. Luckily, Kyle was not going to put up with the laughter.

What he does is just awesome. Please SHARE this video on Facebook if you agree!