Adorable Kid Has His Daily Activities Turned Into Scenes From Popular Movies

At one point or another, we've all wished that we could be movie stars. After all, who wouldn't love to see themselves on the big screen in the middle of a very cool action scene?

Unfortunately, for most of us, the dream of becoming one of Hollywood's brightest stars never quite comes true. However, for these adorable little kids, their time in the spotlight has already arrived — and it's here in full force. The cutest part? They have absolutely no idea.

In this hilarious mash-up, kids' daily lives have been turned into scenes from some of Hollywood's most memorable movies. Thanks to some very cool editing tricks, you might just feel like your mind is playing tricks on you.

Just when you think you're watching another baby video, the scene suddenly changes to an intense scene. This is definitely some of the best editing I've seen in a while, and it's amazing to see how technology can allow us to transform even the most mundane moments into something that is unforgettable.

If you thought there were some classic films that couldn't possibly get any better, you're about to be in for a real treat.

Watch the video to see this hilarious compilation. Which scene is from your favorite movie?

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