When driving, it’s important to always stay alert, even in bumper-to-bumper traffic. It’s always possible for cars to do the unexpected, but it’s just as important to be aware and mindful of anything that might come your way on a busy street.
In the video below, a very vigilant driver cruises along a highway in Russia when he stops well behind the car ahead of him. At first, it appears he slows down and ultimately comes to a stop to keep his distance from the other cars. Then, it turns out he stops for a very different — and way more terrifying — reason.
Seeing an object on the sidewalk nearby, he immediately realizes something is moving: a very tiny kitten lingering alongside the road. The cat seems unaware that it's hanging out on a very busy road and minds its business at first. It's unclear how the cat wound up on the highway, but it's a very dangerous situation to be in, especially for such a young animal.
In the blink of an eye, the feline runs into traffic and directly underneath a tire of a car adjacent to the driver.
Rather than stand by and watch what could be the kitten’s untimely death, the fast-acting man decides to put his own vehicle in park and seeks to rescue the little one.
Just as the car starts moving directly in the path of the kitten, the kind man reaches out and thankfully pulls it to safety. He checks the kitten himself to make sure it's OK after the scary incident and eventually a car stops to assist him.
We’re glad this kitten was saved by such a great man, though it was a risky situation.
Please SHARE if you would do the same if you saw a kitten in this situation!
[H/T] Mashable