Everyone loves an otter. These little beasts of the sea are well known for their fun-loving personalities and huge amounts of happy energy.
But when a little otter runs around and plays all day, when it comes time to relax, they certainly know how to do it right!
The adorable little otter in the video below is certainly very sleepy after swimming and running all day, so when it comes time to go to bed, she does it in the best way possible: laying down on her favorite blanket!
There's only one little problem this otter seems to be having, she's still a bit hungry too! Even though she's supposed to be napping, she's figured out a perfect solution to her rumbling stomach. She sleeps right next to her food bowl!
That way, whenever she feels a pang of hunger, she'll reach over and grab a snack before quickly going right back to dreaming away about swimming, this little otter seems to have the best of both worlds!
Watching this video really proves why everyone loves these little sea dogs: Not only are they incredibly intelligent and personable animals, but they seem to have a silly sense of humor too!
Please SHARE this adorable video if you think all animals deserve to be loved like this!
A relaxing snack…
Posted by Stopcrush.org on Tuesday, November 10, 2015