On December 4, 1980, almost two months after the tragic death of drummer John Bonham and just before its next tour, Led Zeppelin broke made the difficult decision to break up. 27 years later — on December 10, 2007 — Led Zeppelin finally reunited in front of a sold-out crowd at London's O2 arena. The band played a two-hour set, and the following performance of "Black Dog" was so epic that it quickly went viral with nearly seven million YouTube views.
What makes this performance even more powerful is the fact that John Bonham's own son, Jason Bonham, played on drums. Meanwhile, Plant belts out the vocals and Page shreds on the guitar like no one else can — even after nearly three decades, the guys proved they still got it.
The day after the concert, David Fricke of Rolling Stone described it best: "As drummer Jason Bonham hammered with the ghostly precision and ferocity of his late father, guitarist Jimmy Page fired dirty chunks of Chuck Berry and bassist John Paul Jones kept iron time with familiar reserve, singer Robert Plant sang the most obvious words of the night: "Been a long time since I rock and rolled." Overhead, images of a much younger Zeppelin, in concert during the early and mid-Seventies, flashed on a huge digital-video screen. In those films, Led Zeppelin were the biggest, loudest and most cocksure band in rock."
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