In an incredible turn of events, the internet has gifted us a video of life hacks for cats (as if being a cat weren't a life hack unto itself). YouTube user Sho Ko has some tips for easing the day-to-day tasks of our feline overlords.
As our own Amber James so aptly put it, "Plain and simple: Cats are jerks. We know they’re little bullies, yet we accept it and still love these funny furballs all the same. There’s something oddly amusing about cats’ reign of terror, and perhaps that’s why they’re undoubtedly the internet’s favorite animal." As a person who has lived with cats on more than one occasion, I'll second that. Need proof? How about a video of a cat whose favorite pastime is knocking things off of countertops.
Channeling this cat–human relationship dynamic, Sho Ko images what sort of life hacks would be beneficial to easing the already leisurely existence of your pet. For instance, the video suggests learning how to open doors. Not interested? No bother. Simply look adorable while scratching the door repeatedly until your human opens it for you. And for maximizing your cat naps, the video suggests killing any suspicious, inanimate paper (surely cardboard boxes fall into this category).
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