You don't see hair this long and luscious just anywhere.
Malgorzata Kulczyk is a 32-year-old woman with an incredible mane — and she hasn't chopped it once in her entire life!
Now that her long hair reaches her ankles, she has made an Instagram dedicated to her famous locks. With over 5,000 followers, it's easy to see that her long hair is making a statement and amazing people all around the world.
Malgorzata has specific routines and regimens that have kept her hair looking shiny and long for all these years. Luckily, she is just as transparent with her healthy hair secrets as she is with her unbelievable photos.
What do you think of Malgorzata's super-long hair? Would you ever let your hair grow down to your ankles like Malgorzata did?
Keep scrolling to see just how long Malgorzata's blonde hair truly is!
Thumbnail Photo: Instagram / miss_longhair

This is Malgorzata from London. She's 32 years old and has been growing out her hair for as long as she can remember. In fact, she says she's never had a true haircut, not even once.

She used to get regular trims to keep her ends healthy, but according to Daily Mail, she says, "'None of my friends and family wanted to trim it for me because they said it was still in good condition, so I stopped having it done."
Now, Malgorzata is gaining fame for her long hair.

The beauty regularly posts photos of her luscious locks on Instagram for her 5,000-plus followers to see and enjoy.

She tells Daily Mail: "I can't see myself ever cutting it. I can't imagine myself with short hair — nobody would recognize me."
Malgorzata has been owning her massive mane ever since it first grew to a longer length when she was 7 years old.

Now, her hair is so long and thick that she can style it as a dress! She loves trying out different braids and even posting videos of herself whipping her tresses around.

She uses a homemade coconut oil mask to nourish her strands. Her hairstyles consist of buns, ponytails, and braids to keep her locks at bay when she's on the move.

Styling her hair doesn't take very long either, since she's so used to having so much to work with.
She's known as the "girl with the long hair" everywhere she goes, and she's definitely proud to have that title.

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