Nature is such a wondrous mystery. There's always something new to learn or discover in our own backyards. Even when we think we know what kinds of creatures live in close proximity to us, there's no way of telling what's really going on deep in the ground, high in the trees, or deep in the bushes. If we look hard enough, we can see something new every day.
What this Romanian man and his nephew caught on camera doesn't seem extraordinary, but in reality is a rare sight. On film, he captures a mama hedgehog, but she's not alone. Under her feet, are three hoglets looking to feed. I didn't even know that's what baby hedgehogs are called! They're tiny and pink, and have yet to grow into their spiky skin. Their eyes aren't even open yet!
The babies may have understandably been afraid when the cameraman and his nephew got a little too close. They instinctively hide under their mom's belly. And for a few seconds, you can't see them at all.
Now watch the clip to see the rare sight of these tiny newborns!
Please SHARE if this is your first time seeing hoglets!