This is truly a video that must be seen to be believed. A man from Canada recently had the most incredible encounter with a wild goose, and he led it on the chase of a lifetime. Now, his video is quickly going viral.
I watched in awe as a lonely wild Canada Goose approaches Andre on a gravel road. It's clear the bird is curious, outgoing, and even friendly. Wild Canada geese are generally known for their aggressive, territorial behavior, yet Andre could tell his new friend seemed different from the flock.
The goose followed Andre as he got into his truck, then started flying behind him down the road! Andre stopped a couple times to make sure the goose was okay, but all he seemed to want was to keep following behind. So, Andre decided to lead the bird to the calm, serene Shinning Bank Lake in Alberta, Canada. Once there, the bird found his way to the water where Andre watched him swim around, as happy as could be.
We definitely need more people in the world like Andre, who go above and beyond for others — even our feathered friends. Please SHARE this video with your friends on Facebook!