Let's be honest: we all sound better singing in the shower. There's just something about the acoustics in there that make even the worst singers sound like they have a decent voice.
But, David Jeremiah found another place with incredible natural acoustics to belt out a tune: his 40-foot long empty shipping container used for storage.
Before filling his storage room up, the Massachusetts resident decided to perform the ever so popular "Ave Maria" to take advantage of the echo. Unlike many of those shower singers, however, Jeremiah actually has some stellar vocals. (He's right up there with the young girl who blew everyone away when she performed the classic tune!)
As it turns out, he's had a lot of practice. Jeremiah started singing the song in his junior year of high school for a pretty clever reason.
"I was supposed to read Moby Dick as part of an English class assignment. Well, I'm not much of a reader and had no interest in Moby Dick. I knew that my English teacher was a lover of classical music and also a big fan of Luciano Pavarotti. So I bought a cassette copy of Pavarotti's 'Ave Maria' and learned it note for note and syllable for syllable. I sang it for my English teacher in front of the class. Long story short, I got an 'A' on Moby Dick and still to this day have never read a single page of it," he said.
Watch below and please SHARE if you loved his performance!