These 10 Simple Microwave Tricks Will Make Your Life SO Much Easier… I’m Trying #7 Tonight!

Sure, the microwave is easily the most convenient and quick way to warm up food. But the popular kitchen appliance isn’t only a place to reheat yesterday’s dinner or make some popcorn for movie night.

Percy Spencer’s 1940s invention can also be used for several surprising things and some aren’t even associated with food.

In a YouTube video shared by HouseholdHacker, the microwave is seen being used as a meat sterilizer, a way to remove a stamp from an envelope, and even a place to make a heating pad for body aches.

Yet, these are just three of the 10 unusual techniques featured in the clip. And, the one that’s shown at the 2:56 mark will probably be something you want to try tonight after dinner (if you like potatoes).

Watch the video below and make sure to SHARE with your friends if you were as impressed as I was!