Midwestern Mom Looks So Glamorous After Drastic Ambush Makeover That Husband Begins Sobbing

I love a good makeover, and this before-and-after certainly doesn't disappoint. In the following clip from "TODAY" viewers are treated to not one but two incredible and much-deserved transformations.

Annie and Aura have been best friends for over 30 years. While they're emotionally bonded for life, the pair now live thousands of miles away from one another with their respective families. In the summer of 2017, Annie, Aura and their families traveled together to New York City. It was Annie's very first visit to the Big Apple; she never expected it would involve being plucked from outside the "TODAY" studio as part of the show's famous "Ambush Makeover" segment.

Annie, a wife and mother of two, was beautiful to begin with — but the style experts saw a few things they wanted to tweak. They said her hair and wardrobe were in definite need of an upgrade. As you'll see, her transformation was so unbelievably chic and stylish that her family was left speechless. "You look so New York!" Hoda exclaimed.

But it was her husband Brad's reaction that makes this video so special. "I met her when she was 15, I was 17, and I fell in love the very first time I saw her," Brad said through his tears.

Enjoy this heartwarming makeover and SHARE it with your friends on Facebook!