Mother Gives Birth To Triplets, Doctor Stunned When He Sees One Of The Girls Open Her Eyes

Mindy and David had been attempting to start a family for a long time, but no matter how hard they tried or how much they wanted it, it just wasn’t happening.

The couple were in their mid-30s and had seen their fair share of negative pregnancy tests, so when a positive one finally showed up, they were both ecstatic. Mindy’s belly had begun to grow almost immediately and although she was grateful to see this pregnancy flourish, she couldn’t help but feel nervous at their first ultrasound appointment.

When the doctor told Mindy that she was actually carrying triplets, Mindy and David practically jumped in the air they were so excited. They had tried for so long just to have one baby and would soon be graced with three.

Even though Mindy was considered a high-risk pregnancy, everything appeared to be going smoothly. It wasn’t until Mindy was about to give birth that Mindy and David saw their hospital room chock full of doctors and nurses when they realized just how serious birthing triplets could be.

When everything was said and done, Mindy gave birth to three beautiful baby girls named Laura, Amber, and Nadine. The couple lovingly embraced their daughters and when Laura and Amber opened their eyes, they saw that they were a beautiful shade of green.

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When little Nadine finally opened her eyes, the doctor took a good look at her and appeared to be somewhat alarmed. David and Mindy noticed the doctor’s odd behavior immediately and when he motioned for David to follow him into another room, that’s when Mindy started to panic.

What did the doctor tell David about how Nadine differed from her sisters? Watch the Wonderbot video to find out!

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