Sick Mom Gets To See Her Son Get His Air Force Promotion

Theresa Teehan may be battling cancer, but she wanted to make sure to see her son's Air Force promotion ceremony.

"I went to every ceremony all around the country, and then this year I couldn't go because of the cancer. I couldn't fly. And I was upset," she told Fox 25. "I decided to call Fox 25 News to see if we could Skype it or whatever they call it."

Much like other news stations across the country who help out local residents in times of need, this one in Boston made sure to help the 76-year-old out.

The proud mom was able to see her son, Col. Russell Teehan, get promoted to U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory's Director of Space Vehicles Directorate at New Mexico's Kirtland Air Force Base. Col. Teehan also delivered a special message to his mom and even sent her flowers. The moment was just as incredible as the father who got to see his daughter's wedding from his hospital room.

"It was just like I was there. I was glad I could do that," the happy mom said. "I have six children and I'm proud of every one of them, but he makes me proud. He's my baby."

Watch below and please SHARE if you're glad this military mom got her wish!