Busy Mom With 2 Sets Of Twins Gets A Makeover After Losing 100 Pounds 3 Different Times

Many moms find it difficult to lose the baby weight and reclaim a sense of normalcy. The mother you're about to meet struggled with self-esteem after giving birth to a set of twins… then getting pregnant again… with another set of twins!

Kristina has battled with her weight her entire life. At her heaviest, she says she was pushing 300 pounds.

At 14 years old, Kristina felt motivated to begin her weight-loss journey. She was able to keep the weight off through high school, after which she met her husband and started a family.

The weight started creeping back on. After she had her first set of twins, Kristina feared that returning to a healthy weight was impossible.

She lost the weight, but then got pregnant a second time with yet another set of twins.

Kristina gained and then lost 100 pounds with each pregnancy.

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These days, the busy mom is so focused on her family that she puts her own self-care on the back burner. Since she hates shopping for clothes, she normally wears old jeans and T-shirts.

Kristina's mother, Penny, wanted her to feel good about herself again — so she wrote to the Rachael Ray Show to nominate Kristina for a much-needed makeover.

When Penny saw her daughter step onstage with her brand-new look, she broke down in tears of joy.