Mom Pulls Her Son From School After They Shame Her For Packing Pringles As His Snack

A mom on TikTok has racked up a lot of attention after sharing the reason she unenrolled her child from the preschool he previously attended. Megan PV, a mother of two, had packed Pringles for her son's snack. When the school sent him home with a note telling her to pack healthier snacks for him, she was furious.

In the video, Megan shares a photo of her son's empty Pringles container. On it, the school had written a note. "Please help us make healthy choices at school," it read.

When Megan confronted the school and voiced that she didn't like how things were handled, the school flipped the script and labeled her as passive aggressive for sending Pringles after they sent a letter to all parents encouraging healthy snacks.

"I didn't consider Pringles to be this unhealthy snack," she said. "I consider Cheetos, Doritos, Milky Way bars, things like that, to be an unhealthy snack."

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Ultimately, after receiving no apology from the school and receiving word that they removed her son's spot from the summer program he had been enrolled into, Megan withdrew her son from the school. "It was just so uncalled for and disrespectful and unsettling."