Everyone likes a good mystery. It’s why Hercule Poirot turned up in 33 of Agatha Christie’s novels, why urban exploration (the survey of abandoned buildings) is so popular, and why the internet nearly broke when David Lynch and Marc Frost announced a new season of Twin Peaks. And speaking of the internet, remember the black and blue dress that looked like it was gold and white? That still baffles me!
But what happens when a mystery defies everything we understand? Do we then cross over the line of mystery into magic? Hold on. Magic isn’t real. Right?
If you visit a little place in Santa Cruz, CA’s Redwood Forest called the “Mystery Spot,” you might think that real magic actually exists in the world. It’s a small shack that is brimming with so much unexplainable phenomena that, once they’re seen, you may change what you believe is real and what isn't.
Just like any good magic trick, you've just got to see with your own two eyes…
The Mystery Spot is a gravitational anomaly located in the Redwood Forest, just outside of Santa Cruz, CA. It is a circular area of that is about 150 feet in diameter.
This is the entrance to its main attraction. But even before you walk inside, the air is thick with magic.
When people merely stand in front of it, it looks like they defy gravity. By the way, notice that piece of plying near the window?
Look what happens when you roll a ball down it.
Or place a ball at the downward-sloping end. Instead of falling off the plank, it defies the laws of physics and rolls back up!
The bench is funky as well. On the image to the left, you can see that everyone standing on the bench is a different height. But, if you stand on the opposite side of the bench, seen on the image to the right, they all look like they’re the same height.
And that’s not all! A ball will roll upwards on this down-sloping plank as well!
The inside is also peculiar. If you stand in certain spots, the utter defiance of physics completely bewilders the mind.
Due to the pull of gravity, when you hang from swings overhead, your legs swing out at this angle.
The Mystery Spot was discovered in 1939 and opened to the public in 1940.
There are many theories of what’s happening here. Some speculate that cones of metal were secretly brought here and buried in our earth as guidance systems for spacecrafts.
Some think that a spacecraft itself is buried deep beneath the ground.
Other theories include carbon dioxide permeating from the earth, a hole in the ozone layer, and a magma vortex.
Whatever the theory may be, one thing still remains — the spot is truly a mystery!
Please SHARE this amazing natural glitch with everyone you know and add a little magic to their day!