A mother of two has been shamed by other parents who are her neighbors for what she does in her own home.
Alexandria Taylor was surprised to discover an anonymous note on her car from a neighbor. The neighbor berated Alexandria for allegedly walking around her home naked in plain view of her neighbors and, to their ire, their kids.
The 26-year-old was annoyed on a number of fronts. For one, she couldn't understand why her neighbors wouldn't speak with her directly about their problem. There was also the fact she wasn't walking around naked, as the note suggested. In fact, she knew exactly what incident caused the note to be written, and she felt her neighbors were grossly exaggerating. She shared the note on Facebook to get other opinions on the subject.
This story first appeared on LittleThings in July 2021.
A 26-year-old mother of two is not here for her neighbor's shaming her behavior in her own home. Alexandria Taylor shared a note she found on her car windshield on Facebook. The note, written anonymously, was from one of her neighbors.
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"It would be much appreciated if you could unleast shut your blinds when walking naked!" the note read.
"Around your house … my kids do not and would not want to see your [expletive] out on the show. Much appreciated, your neibours [sic]."
Alexandria knew what situation had prompted the note, and she was pretty annoyed at the exaggeration.
"It's the most bizarre thing that's ever happened to me, I can't get my head round it," she told The Mirror.
"I wasn't walking around naked. I was wearing a t-shirt and French knickers — they covered a lot of my bum."
"To be honest they're lucky because normally I walk around in a lot less than that. I just went round as I normally do, locking up and turning all the lights off," Alexandria admitted.
"They're lucky they caught me quite covered up on this occasion. I'm very comfortable in my own skin, I have no problem with the way I look."
"I'm not too sure what their upbringing is to think that that's an issue, but also to think it's ok to look in someone else's home and tell me how to dress," she continued.
"At first I was really shocked and then I was so angry about it. I was so livid that someone had the audacity, who is supposed to be my neighbour, to go out of their way and leave a note on my windscreen rather than just knocking on the door and confronting me about it."
"The fact they had to leave a note on my car rather than confront me face to face shows they weren't very confident in their argument," she reasoned.
"Maybe they're just not confrontational, but for me if I've got a problem I'll quite happily say it to someone's face."
Alexandria was so baffled by the note that she shared it on Facebook to get some more opinions.
"I would literally wait 'til dark, turn on all the lights, walk into each room, and press my butt cheeks against every goddamn window with Baby Got Back on full blast!" one woman commented, the Daily Mail reported.
"It's my house, it's my rules. It absolutely will not stop me walking around in my own home in underwear and a t-shirt," Alexandria said. If anything, the support she got on Facebook has made her more confident.
"Now I feel even more validated by the girls that have shown their support. Some of the comments have cracked me up."